Monday, July 20, 2009

Love and Mercy

Through this weekend, I have discovered that God has so much love and mercy for me. Not just me alone, but everyone. I truly am blessed when I think that I am in the midst of all life's greatest trials. I have suffered nothing compared to most in other countries. I don't know or understand what it is like to have literally nothing to clothe yourself or to eat or have clean water to drink or bathe.

I am truly blessed to have a God who cares so much for me that he uses others to help me out of times of despair in life. There is so much running through my head right now, all having to do w/things that can go wrong. I am trying to remember that it all will not make a bit of difference if I have so much 'stuff'. My true love and life comes from the Heavenly Father who loves and cares so much for each and every one of us.

Managing to get the girls off to church camp was pretty fun. Both for them and me. I was anxiously watching them pack and prepare everything for departure realizing that they are growing up so fast and that there will be so many changes coming in life over the next few years. I don't know if I am looking forward to it or now but, it will happen ready, or not!

The remainder of this week will be spent at home with one child who has his nose buried in his GameBoy. What an invention that is! Anyway, much in life is filled w/anticipation and anxiety. I just can't let the worst of it get to me at all. So, it is w/great joy that I am alive today and have God's greatest gifts of love and mercy!

Bless you all

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