Saturday, August 31, 2019


Just when you get so tired that you really can't think any more.  The thoughts that run through your head!  Oh, the things we begin to think about when just on the verge of really good sleep.  And the way your body feels falling into that stated of really good sleep.  Then you awake with the smallest of noises, the greatest of sounds, and the eyes wake up, you roll over, the light that didn't bother you when you first fell asleep, now keeps you on your waking thoughts.

The things that we think aren't so important when you went to sleep, are now the very things that haunt you for what seems an eternity.  You roll over, you jiggle around, you nudge your mind to just stop with those very things, but to no avail.  Your eyelids are heavy with sleep, but the mind has other ideas.

Oh, how I long to just relax and get back to a blissful stated of inebriated sleep.  To wake rejuvenated and energized, ready to face a new day.  Not to lack for energy or motivation.  To be able to think clearly and with a mind that is ready to absorb all the grand things you are meant to do.....