Saturday, January 26, 2019

What now?

What to do now?  I would like to know.  But, do I really want the truth?  What seems so impossibly simple, so mundane that its met with trepidation?

What do you do when you are trying to figure out what is next in your life?  When the promotions seem to be shut in your face, the opportunities seem to just be slammed down and given over to someone else?  For what reason has all of this happened?

I am so stumped.  Why?! What needs to be done more or prepared for?  How do you overcome your feelings of self-doubt; that you are simply not good enough or that you just don't have what it takes?

There is a process for it all.  I am reminded that if we don't ask the questions, we will never receive the answers like someone sitting around just hoping to win the lottery without ever buying the ticket that gives them the chance to win.  Truth is, I do know. I'm not saying that I want to do that, but I am saying that I know there needs to be some effort on my part, but truly, where does that come from?  

 It comes only from asking in prayers and time spent with the Lord.  We need to be prepared like the ground before the planting, sprouted, like the soil gets watered and the sun shines, and growth that comes from the greater amount of time spent watching the process begin to flourish

The growth part is probably the most painful because of the stretching and changing that comes along with getting to the beautiful part; the blooming and the beauty that comes from the final product.

I am not sure that I really like the process, but it is completely necessary to reach the full potential and to get through the times when I am asking the question, "What now?"

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