Sunday, January 20, 2019

My time

I am finding that my time has become something of a mystery.  My time is almost not mine.  It belongs to others.  As a wife, mother and member of society, I am always pulled in so many directions.

The greatest love I have in my life is my God.  He will always love me, no matter what.  But I also need to put Him first in so many things that happen in every day life.  I am reminded this week that should have been the most important place for me to be each day.

Last week, after hearing some strange noises from our furnace and discovering that it is not working properly, I worked through the process of trying to figure out what to do to get it fixed.  After a few days of no success, I was running on very much a great amount of agitation on and frustration.  I called on my trusty husband to help me fix the situation.

While he was trying to work on getting a remedy to this almost, seemingly impossible situation.  I was beginning to realize that my time was just being wasted on this situation and I was not relying on my God who takes care of me each and every day.  So, I started to turn and pray that things would improve for us as we had a very cold storm coming this weekend.

Lo, and behold, we FINALLY were able to see some resolve to this situation!  Thankfully, by Friday we received the good news that a motor had gone bad and we would be fixing it.

My reminder that my time is so important, was just that I need to rely on the one who gives us all time, God.

I am thankful that I am reminded that my time is not as important as His time.

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