Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting there

Well, time sure does pass by quickly and we don't even know it! The kids are growing up so much I can't even believe that things will (or have) changed in a short period of time.

With Katharine getting her first job, it just reminds me of how much will happen over the course of the next few years. Seems like she was only just a baby and then an 8 year old asking me a bunch of questions about some homework project that was due. I can't believe how much we think about getting older when we get older. Not to mention all of the fun things that I really look forward to that can be kind of scary. Like, all the kids leaving home and actually doing something somewhere out in the wide world all on their own. Each of them is smart and talented in some way of their own. I only hope that I have done all I can to be the best parent to each of them possible.

Jessica has had the 'first' date. And she beamed from ear to ear before and after it! I am glad that they can have friends of their own and that they are going to learn things about the world that they don't know yet. It can be scary, but I do have to let them grow up and not hold them back or they will never live up to their full potential.

So then comes Joshua who is trying to act like a teenager but still only will be 11 soon. He is going to play a solo on his trumpet soon and likes to play basketball. He is maturing in some areas, but really still just the baby of the family that I want him to be.

So, in all things we are 'getting there' some how, some way, we all get there someday!

Love ya'all

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