Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time passing

Well, here it is the beginning of yet another year. Life presents so many challenges every day. Lately those challenges have been pretty minor.....the weather has been pretty cold and so the water pipes froze on the porch where our washer was. Well, that burned the pump and so we had to get a new one. Then, get the new one, put it in the basement and discovered that new faucets were needed to get the washer hooked up properly. Well....all is taken care of now and it is nice to finally be able to finish laundry at home once again. We are pretty fortunate.

I have been blessed lately to be back in contact with some old friends from when I was young. It makes me think back to those times of my life when I did some pretty crazy things. Not so crazy that I was wild or terribly out of control, but crazy that I didn't know much better in my own life at the time. I am glad that we all grow up and have the chance to change many things about ourselves. So much of that change comes by choice in our lives. We make those choices every day. We choose when to get up, when to go to bed, what to read, who to talk to - you get the idea....anyway, those choices can so affect our lives that we sometimes live with the side-effects of those choices. We may end up sick or in debt, or sometimes even wrapped up in our own thoughts about how we got to where we are.

I have been thinking back on my life about my choices in eating. There has been much about it that sometimes I can certainly blame someone, anyone, for my habits but, the truth is; I am the one who made those decisions to make those habits. I simply just need to make different choices in regard to that end. I simply don't know where to begin. I am looking to make changes in my heart and pray that by immersing myself in prayer and the Bible, I will be able to make better choices because I truly am a child of the King and he takes care of my every need. I will be making different choices today than yesterday and will be able to change those habits so that I will be able to glorify Christ The Lord.

God Bless you all each and every day!


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