Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The end of another year

Well, we have reached the end of 2009. There is much to be thankful for this year. I can say that since about 6 weeks ago, I have not had much trouble sleeping at night....wheew....I am happy about that.

There has been so much going on. Chris did manage to get healed after his surgery on his knee is Sept. That was a long, and long awaited, process. He is back to work (overnights) and seems to be doing well. This is temporary and he will come off sometime this next year.

Katharine has enjoyed her season of Volleyball as a Varsity player. That is what she has been striving for all along. She really enjoys her volleyball. Both sets of Grandparents were able to see her play here at different games each end of the season. I think that they enjoyed it.

OH! How dare I forget the fact that we are now facing the challenges of driving w/a new teen driver. She is improving and gets a little nervous and confused about directions from mom....LOL Oh well, she will make it past all of this and find herself in the real world of college and jobs in a few short months. She is still looking for that 'perfect' job to pay her portion of the insurance.

The house certainly has been taking better shape since early last year. There still is much to do; like the bathrooms. Both of them! Not sure where to even get started on that one. First, I think we need an exterminator before the spring comes so we can get rid of our nest of wasps that have invaded the small space in the roof between the actual ceiling and the roof tiles. Oh joy!

Now, convince the dad that he must come and visit again sometime next year to get at least one of the bathrooms done. This time, he shouldn't need to tow a U-Haul and bring all of my old stuff back to me from 12 years ago in NY.

Jessica has just gotten her ears pierced. (I didn't even think she would attempt anything remotely related to any pain)....to our surprise, she didn't flinch - much! She is really enjoying playing the Wii and trying to figure out how to get in touch w/her cousins in CA on the Wii.....I think we can figure it out; sometime.

Oh yes, we musn't forget the fact that we now have not one, but two, teenage girls in High School this year! And the load of homework just somehow got easier for the younger one! Surprise, she still is getting all A's, even with two math classes; 10th grade Geometry and Algebra II as well.

Joshua has been busy just growing and growing, and growing...he is getting really tall....He also really likes his basket ball practice. I think he is learning something. He sure does get pretty tired from it. He's also worried about his weight and I keep telling him not to worry about it right now, he's growing and will soon be OK.

Dare we forget the fact that school called us one lonely afternoon and said, "Joshua had his eyes tested, and we think you need to take him to get checked". Well, not liking what I heard and, of course, knowing that it was coming due to family genetics; he does now have glasses.....and he looks pretty smart too!

I have started working kitty-corner to our house at one of the local churches, along with doing work for our home church and prayer meetings still. Busy, busy, busy! I do enjoy being busy a little bit and contributing to the economics of our family.

Time has been short this year. I think about all the things that have passed and will come, but all that really matters is what I will actually do with my time and how I will use it to the best of the ability that God gave me. I love that He is so faithful that He sees every time we have a need and that we can ask for forgiveness and we can start over again with a clean slate; even those times when things are so far past us that no one will ever remember what we are asking forgiveness for.

Love and Peace to All in the New and Coming Year!

May you all be Blessed in Jesus' Name......


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