Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Happiness is not all about just being physically comfortable, and excited in the moment.  Happiness, is about accepting things in your life that are not what we necessarily want and moving toward acceptance to all of them.

When we think we are happy with where we are, who we are and what we are doing, we might think twice about how that thought is getting us further toward living a life that is consistent with true acceptance and forgiveness.  This forgiveness is something that we learn to be more content with ourselves and not being upset about things outside of our control.

Yes, we are human and make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't still be happy about our lives or things that we can change to make ourselves better.  Sometimes, we don't know what to change about ourselves unless others in our lives open up and tell us more about ourselves that can certainly enhance things in our own lives.  We also cannot have happiness or forgiveness without the love of Jesus Christ in our lives.

This past Christmas has been a time when I have reflected on all of these things.  Having family around and talking, there is certainly a new 'normal' since my Mother has passed on in July.  We have all been affected by her passing and for me, this has given me a new perspective on how I handle family, friends and other relationships.  I find that God has truly given me a very big blessing in my immediate family (ie - my husband and children).  I have also seen so many other things that have been both good and bad.  I realize that nothing can change me, except me!

Things are good all around me and I have to be willing to say, "You have no reason to complain about anything.  You have such a good life and things are truly OK."

Change is never easy and require a lot of work.  If I am not willing to do the work, I am never going to change and things around me may just turn out to be the same or worse than if I put a little more effort into becoming a better person and just work through the pain like someone in a new training regime.

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