Friday, January 20, 2012

Staying out of my own way

I have recently been reminded that I need to stay out of my own way.  This is really the only possible thing that will help God to truly move in many areas of my life.  If I become so obsessive and controlling about situations, God can never be allowed to move.  This is especially true when it comes to what others will/are choosing to do with situations in their life.

I am strongly reminded that my faith must be bigger than my fear.  If we are controlled by our fear, then we are standing in the very way of all the blessings that God wants to pour out, not just on our lives, but the lives of others.  To become so obsessed is to constantly think about, create or form in our minds the things that WE desire, instead of letting God do the softening and moving in His own timing.  We sometimes can see things in our heads and we want it so badly that we can cause sinning by deciding to try with all our effort and pursuade something/someone to move in our own way, rather than relying on prayer and petitions to ask God to move where/when/how he wants to do so in a persons life.

Our idea of evil can certainly be seen in the physical world around us, but we also need to be reminded that even though we sometimes may not see the good of God and how he is moving, if we just step back a few moments, pray and seek His face and hands for direction and guidance, then we truly will see how he moves. 

Sometimes His very moves are what we perceive as slow, but we can tend to get in the way and cause a stall of movement.  If we are willing to live our lives by asking in prayer and then setting back, not taking control of the situation, and watching how God truly does overcome all the evil things we see, then we will see the glory that He does when he moves because He loves us and truly wants what is best for us if we are so willing to just participate because He knows how things will turn out long before we ever even start to think of how in the world we possibly can move things on our own.

I see now that I have been standing in the middle of things and I need to get out of the way and ask the Father and those involved for forgivness for the way I have been and tried in any part to control or forget who is REALLY in control.

I am so blessed and I thank the Father for allowing me to help in reaching/training my children in His ways that they will never depart from Him, but help them to grow so they may each fulfill the potential they have for their lives in Him.

Praise be to God our Father who is ADONAI! Amen!

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