Thursday, March 3, 2011

Long time

It sure has been a long time since the last posting on here. So much has happened, I can't even begin to know where I have left off. I will simply say that I am just going to start all over again.

Everyone who knows me may think that things are going well with me, and they're right! I am definitely getting into some challenging areas of life with family. This is ok since it is quite natural to have the feelings that I have. Each of us struggles so much every day, but to believe that God can help us through it all is the thing that helps to keep me going and changing into a better person. I will never be finished here until the day that I pass on and leave a legacy to my family.

My children and husband mean the world to me and I don't think I share that enough with them. Each day I strive to love them equally while balancing myself within it all.

Last October I had the wonderful opportunity of a life-time to participate in a prayer assembly. What a great display of God's love and affection for each of us this was! I came back such a different person. For about 2 months afterwards, I think I was under a special anointing. This has since become something that I have not wished that would leave, but unfortunately life has crept back in. Just yesterday, after spending some much needed R&R at our weekly prayer service, I feel refreshed again and ready to take on a number of new things!

I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit can do these things for us just when we need them. I am looking forward to finding a way to Louisville, KY next week and hope that it will have a great impact on me.

So, with all that said. I am on a new adventure and pray that is OK in the long-run of life.

Peace and Love!

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